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The RI GHG Stakeholder process is comprised of many different organizations representing government, industry, environmental and consumer groups.

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Organization Representative
Audubon Society of RI Eugenia Marks
Brown University Kurt Teichert
Business Roundtable Gary Ezovski
Clean Water Action Shelia Dormody
Clean Water Action Denise Parrillo
Conservation Law Foundation Cynthia Giles
Environment Northeast Sam Krasnow
Environment Northeast Derek Murrow
Governor's Policy Office Mark Adelman
Narragansett Electric David Jacobson
New England Gas Company David Jacobson
Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships Isaac Elnecave
Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships Natalie Lipomi
Northern RI Chamber of Commerce Dave Carlin
Oil Heat Institute Peter Lombardi
Oil Heat Institute John Batey
People Power & Light Karina Lutz
People's Power & Light Omay Elphick
Providence Mayor's Office Garry Bliss
RI DEM Steve Majkut
RI DEM Janet Keller
RI DEM Terri Bisson
RI DEM-Forestry Cathy Sparks
RI Department of Transportation Bob Shawver
RI House, Policy Office Gary Ciminero
RI League of Cities and Towns Mia Manzotti
RI Public Transit Authority Mark Therrien
RI Public Transit Authority Greg Harris
RI PUC Division Al Contente
RI Senate, Policy Office Kenneth Payne
RI State Energy Office Bill Ferguson
RI State Energy Office Tim Howe
RI Statewide Planning George Johnson
RI Statewide Planning Katherine Trapani
RI Statewide Planning Bruce Vild
RIPIRG Matt Auten
Save The Bay Jane Austin
  401-272-3540 x 123
Sierra Club Chris Wilhite
Sierra Club Barry Schiller
State Building Code Commission Stuart Cowen
The Energy Council of RI John Farley
The Smaller Business Association of New England (SBANE) Phil Papoojian
URI Vincent Rose
URI Facilities Services Dave Lamb
US Environmental Protection Agency Norm Willard
(Click on a Name to see Contact Info or Click here to View ALL Contact Info )

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